Though hurricane Joaquin didn't make it ashore here in the Outer Banks, we did have 2 weeks of rain and plenty of flooding to deal with. This really put a
damper on our normal routine and had to find other ways to
exorcise her.
She didn't seem too bothered with the dreary weather like the rest of us. She has such a strong love of water that I think it's the actual reason she hasn't learned to swim yet. (
Gets too excited!) She is unable to walk through a deep puddle without spontaneously pouncing like a cat, and then proceed to plop right down in the middle of it. This cycle is repeated until I step in and ruin the fun at some point.
Chillin' in the back yard. |
There is always a silver lining to a difficult situation. In this case it is that I can now get her to come to the hose to get sprayed down without having to drag her by her leash protesting all the way. Having to do so 3-5 times a day during the past 2 weeks before we go in the house has resigned her to her fate. Of course she still wants to maul me when I am drying her off with the towel, but you can't win them all. =P
Chezza showing off one of her early moves. The Wing-Bite Chin Thrust. This is serious business! |